Tuesday 18 June 2013

Hello There...

I've thought of starting a proper blog for the longest time and recently the idea has been --- in my mind incessantly! So, I grabbed one of my many empty notebooks and started to jot down a possible name for this blog, what I wanted to blog about and what I wanted to accomplish by starting one.

The process took a week. I finally came up with the name 'The Eclectic Amygdala'. Why? Eclectic - because that describes my taste in virtually everything - art, music, food etc... Amygdala - firstly, I find it such a beautiful word. So musical. Secondly, it is part of the brain and has a function related to memory. Memory is important to me especially in my scrapbooking and art.

Now, what things am I interested in  - art, photography, writing, baking, cooking, scrapbooking, fashion... A few of the things I want to touch on with this blog. But what I'm more interested in is to finally break out of my introvert shell and start to share my love of these things with as many people as I can reach out to.

By sharing, we can all help each other learn and grow.

The things I would like to accomplish are:

1- Share what I know and receive knowledge from many wonderful and gifted people out there.

2- Hold different swaps - both national (within the United Arab Emirates and international). These swaps include art journal/scrapbooking exchanges, ATC (artist trading card) swaps, postcard swaps.

3- Meet-ups where different artists can come together and work in the company of other artists. I believe this way we could inspire each other.

So, with this I end my first post.
Hope you're having a wonderful day wherever you are!

Fatima x

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